I know, I know – there really is no such thing as too much garlic if you really love its taste. However, there really are instances (and I’ve experienced this, personally) when the garlic taste is too overpowering that it bites (and hurts).
Worry not, as there are many solutions to diluting the taste of garlic in dishes. In fact, garlic lovers and non-garlic lovers will appreciate this very special post dedicated to garlic.
14 Ways to Fix Dishes with Too Much Garlic Taste
#1 – Remove the excess garlic
You are lucky if you used whole cloves or chunks or pieces of garlic that can be manually retrieved from the dish. If so, just scoop up the pieces of garlic to remove some of its overpowering taste from your recipe.
Of course, this technique won’t work if you used powdered garlic (Amazon) and have already stirred it well in the dish.
#2 – Dilute by making another batch
Diluting garlic taste by making another batch of the dish is particularly useful in recipes with sauces.
If the sauce part of the dish is easy to prepare, making another batch to dilute the first one would be a wise choice. You can always keep the extra sauce (if it’s too much) in the refrigerator or freezer.

Garlics used in cooking
#3 – Dilute by adding more liquid ingredients
If your recipe makes use of broth, tomato sauce, or water, adding more of said liquid ingredients will dilute the taste of garlic in your recipe.
Again, should you find the dish too watery or soupy in the end, just remove some of the sauce (refrigerate or freeze it) for another dish.
#4 – Dilute by adding more of the other ingredients
One way to dilute the overpowering taste of garlic is to add more of the other ingredients required in the recipe. If the dish uses vegetables, you can add more vegetables to cover up the taste of garlic.
You can even add more meat to the mixture (but cook it first, or the meat won’t cook evenly).
#5 – Simmer the dish on low heat
One reason for having strong garlic taste is if it’s raw. Therefore, you can cook the garlic in the dish by letting it simmer over low heat (so as not to burn the dish) for some time.
#6 – Rest the dish for a few hours or overnight
If you’re not in a hurry to serve the dish, you can allow it to rest for a few hours. If the garlic is still raw when you first tasted it, this would have been cooked during the time that you allowed it to rest. And if you refrigerate the dish and allow all the flavors to fully blend in with one another (overnight), this will result in a less prominent garlicky taste.
#7 – Add aromatic herbs and spices
Herbs and spices with strong scent and taste will work in combating the strong flavor of garlic. Here are just some of the herbs and spices that you can use:
#8 – Add a sweetener
If you don’t mind a little sweetness in your dish, you can use any kind of sweetener to tone down the strong taste of garlic. Here are just some of your options for a sweetener (Amazon):
Should you decide to go for this method, make sure that you add just a little sweetener at a time (taste the dish frequently while doing this). You really don’t want to over-sweeten your recipe (especially if it’s not meant to be sweet).
#9 – Add some salt
Making the dish a bit salty will somehow work in controlling the overpowering taste of garlic. However, this only works in situations where the taste of garlic is not that strong. If the taste of garlic is really REALLY strong, covering the taste with salt will only make the dish salty – and that would ruin the dish even more.
#10 – Add an acidic ingredient
If your dish already uses an acidic ingredient, increasing its proportion can remedy the strong garlic taste. Here are some of the acidic ingredients that you can use for this purpose:
#11 – Add more onion
This technique works well for recipes that already make use of onions. By adding more onion to the dish, it will be even more flavorful.
Note, too, that onion and garlic complement each other well – and adding onion will somehow cancel some of that strong garlicky taste in the dish.
#12 – Add a creamy ingredient
You can use this method to fix dishes that make use of milky ingredients (like Alfredo sauce). Here are your options in diluting the taste of garlic:
#13 – Add cheese
For dishes that make use of cheese, you can simply add more of this ingredient to the dish and the garlicky taste will fade away (or will be covered up).
This technique works like the salt remedy as cheese is salty in taste – but it’s more flavorful and tasty than salt (and you can’t have too much cheese anyway). This works well for pasta dishes and baked dishes that are topped with cheese.
#14 – Add more dressing
Should you find that your dressing tastes too garlicky, you can dilute the taste of garlic by adding more of the base dressing. You can use this technique with the following:
Important Tips
Really, it’s not that hard to fix a dish with too much garlic taste. Here are some quick tips that you can use as a guide when faced with this problem:

Dishes with Garlics
Health Benefits of Garlic
If you love the taste of garlic, you’ll love it even more once you learn about its many health benefits. Just look at the list below.
Q: How do I fix too much garlic in hummus?
Q: How do I fix too much garlic powder in a sauce?
Q: How do I fix too much garlic in Alfredo sauce?
Q: How do it fix too much garlic in chicken soup?
Q: How do I fix too much garlic in mashed potatoes?
Q: How do I fix too much garlic in salad dressing?
Note: Most of the remedies in fixing garlicky dishes will result in larger portions of dishes (more than intended). This is not a problem, really, as you can always keep the excess or leftovers in the fridge or freezer. The most important thing here is that you are able to fix the recipes and that you are able to enjoy your food to the fullest.
Too Much Garlic? No Problem!

Garlic has many health benefits and you should really use it as much as you can. However, in order to avoid the trouble of having to fix dishes because of its overpowering taste, remember to put in a small quantity of garlic at a time when adding it to dishes. It’s delicious, yes, but it can also ruin a dish unnecessarily when added too much.
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